Microsoft Windows-Phone

"Experience it!" - Microsoft on tour with the Windows Phone Truck

Want to experience Windows Phone live? No problem. As of now, retailers and consumers have the possibility to test Windows phones in detail. Until the end of September, the truck will be on tour in about 20 German cities and stops at universities, shopping centres, festivals and sporting events.

The truck invites all those, who are interested to immerse in the world of Windows phones: Test stations, a music area as well as different multi-media panels with integrated monitors and digital picture frames show the different Windows phone apps live in action. An expert team is also available to answer questions.

Right on the spot, retailers and end customers are able to get a detailed impression of the Windows phone and the new "Mango" update in a trendy atmosphere. This offers retailers the opportunity to experience the sales arguments themselves and thus helps them expand their skills in offering advice regarding Windows phones. 

For times and places please look at "Experience it! Tour" under With almost 25,000 "like it" clicks, the positive response of this attractive campaign is impressive.
